Cameron Duffy, Tim Adalin & Taryn Ossowski – Sacred philosophy: An Embodied Dialogue & Exploration of Consciousness


Lifestyle Space: Amphitheatre

Workshop Type: Group Discussion, Lecture

Topic: Sacred philosophy: An Embodied Dialogue & Exploration of Consciousness

Presenter: Cameron Duffy, Tim Adalin & Taryn Ossowski


Cameron has been involved in complex counselling and psychotherapy practices for 10-15 years and has spent his adult lifetime exploring the existential nature of being, healing, and transcendence through philosophy, athleticism, and the transformation of embodied consciousness. With his project Apotheosis.Academy, he is dedicated to re-vitalising global psychiatric culture and psychedelic integration therapy through synergising an awareness of the sacred with harmonic modes of relationship and practice.

Taryn Ossowski is a visual artist and transpersonal art therapist whose practice investigates the intersection between mind and matter. Through her engagement with earth pigments, she has developed a creative process that explores the transformative potential of materiality and light. Her journey into human perception and meaning-making through image has led to a practice centered on reclaiming our instinctual relationship with symbols, particularly through dreaming and imaginal techniques. Working at the threshold of psychology and creativity, Taryn offers invitations into spaces of deep psychic engagement where creative expression becomes a gateway to expanded consciousness and individuation. She has also worked with the application of transpersonal art therapy for psychedelic and altered states integration.

Tim Adalin is a philosopher, speaker and founder of Voicecraft, a project dedicated to the mystery of voice and cultivation of wiser culture. Voicecraft has a podcast exploring the frontiers of dialogic potential, where rigorous thinking, material analysis, transpersonal psychology, and mystical intuition all contribute to making sense of key questions in our time.
In Melbourne he runs the Underground Philosophy event series. Online he stewards a network of thinkers, artists, technologists, healers, cultural change agents, and shamanic practitioners in deep and expansive conversation, incorporating a true diversity of embodied, cognitive, and relational intelligences into knowledge creation and value integration processes. He spoke at Esoteric in 2022 and 2023 on the topic of psychedelic philosophy, which introduced listeners and participants to the transformative potential of conversation. He works with leaders and organisations seeking to cultivate wisdom.



How can we understand the nature of the sacred? Regenerating an authentic relationship with the sacred in an uncertain world enmeshed with scientific tools can be complex and involve participation in an ecology of practices, as individuals and communities. This dialogue explores our relationship with breath, embodied wisdom, sound and healing, ideas that build worlds, and the role of the archetype of shamanism in the modern world.

Inspired by psychedelic integration philosophy, art, and yogic practices, we use a dialogical dynamic to weave together relationships with felt experience, the masculine and feminine, cathartic and ecstatic states, and the nature and evolution of consciousness.

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