Rosy B – Surfing the 24 Hour Qi Cycle


Lifestyle Space: Amphitheatre

Workshop Type: Lecture

Topic: Surfing the 24 Hour Qi Cycle

Presenter: Rosy B

Rosy is a seasoned MC, facilitator and speaker, having worked in the climate justice space for many years before moving into the field of holistic health. She is a yoga teacher, shiatsu therapist, martial artist, dancer, mother, and is passionate about bringing to the world humble yet life changing information about how to live in harmony with natures rhythms and cycles.

Interactive lecture/workshop about harnessing the power of the Traditional Chinese Medicine concept of the 24 hour qi cycle. Understand the wave of cosmic qi that moves through our bodies, activating certain organs at certain times of day, which in turn indicate the ideal activities to perform, in order to live a lifestyle which nourishes our Qi. This allows us to maintain vitality while still living a full and productive life; A very useful tool in living a balanced and holistic lifestyle.

This workshop will explore the basic concept of yin and yang, as well as the 5 elements, the 24 hour qi cycle and have practical take home tips to integrate the information into ones life.

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