Upon finishing my honours degree in Philosophy in 2017, I found myself unsatisfied with the teachings I had received around the nature of the soul and the soul journey. No longer confined to what academia perceived as ‘worth knowing’ I began exploring esoteric gnosis around what it means to be an embodied soul and the secrets of the soul journey. I haven’t looked back.
I consider myself a mystic, deoccultist and an eternal student of understanding, while simultaneously, being a teacher of her strange and mind bending findings.
In this lecture we delve deep into Occultism, focusing primarily on the soul sciences and the Kabbalah. What is the Kabbalah? The Kabbalah is ancient Jewish mysticism regarding the rawest process of creation – how pure potential becomes actualised; how something comes out of nothing. It also attempts to outline the primary archetypes within all of creation, to map out the human psyche and the very soul journeys in which we all travel, breathe and be.
Finally, we discuss how we might use all of this information for more conscious archetypal embodiment and integration; for deeper self-actualisation and a truer liberation and empowerment, both individually and collectively.