Art by Borko


Art Form: Arcane Arts Arcade, Visual Arts

Borko is a paradox ~ who always colours between the lines in her artworks, but always outside the lines in her personl life.

Based in Canberra, Borko is a painter who occasionally uses her paintings to create digital mixed media pieces.

Borko has cycled through many different styles, but one continuity in Borko’s style is her dedication to line work and patterns.

Always ‘doodling’ and creating new patterns in her school books during classes, these ‘doodles’ have now transformed and developed into exceptionally disciplined geometric patterns of depth, dimension, and symmetry.

Borko has always viewed creating art as personal and therapeutic, “I do it to help me feel centred and tranquil”, she says.

Borko feels so incredibly honoured to share this intimate aspect of herself and feels deeply humbled that people want to view and enjoy her creations.

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