In the outskirts of the bustling Psychedelic Circus grounds, there existed a hidden sanctuary known as Lucid Town. This was the only place on the planet completely sealed off from the mist, containing only pure CO2. This tranquil sanctuary, away from the frenetic energy of CirqueDelic, beckoned to those seeking reprieve from the Pink Mist—a place where the mind could dive deep into a lucid state, on the edge of Kaleido, where it felt like you were about to tip off the end of the planet’s horizon and swirl into the mists of the stars themselves. There is a profoundly strong psychedelic effect on the mind by simply staring out into the distance.
Lucid Town is filled with travelers from across the Esoverse. Here, amidst swaying trees and mesmerizing skies, Esotericans bonded, sharing tales of interstellar travels and shared dreams. The town is a haven for storytelling, creative collaboration, and communal experiences, offering a reminder of the vibrant spirit of the galaxy’s unique beings. It is a place of acceptance, as adventurers are hosted by the NadRad, Chill n Chai, Light Temple, and Massage Gurus, who are all part of the Lucid Town Council.
Here, the visitors could explore the depths of their subconscious minds, encountering strange and often profound realizations about themselves, others, and the world around them. But we ponder…Is this place truly free from the grip of Kaleido?