Hera Wing


Art Form: Visual Arts

Hera Wing is a multimedia artist based in Melbourne, Australia. Utilising a variety of sensorial stimuli, she distils surreal imagery from the subconscious into archetypal visuals.

Hera’s deep appreciation of natural forms and biological structures comes from her upbringing off-grid in the forests of northern New Zealand. The isolation sparked in her a fascination for human psychology – the internal world and how it impacts the external.

Chimeric human/animal/plant hybrids feature prominently as subject matter – linking the human sphere to the planet’s life and sentience. What appears alien at first reveals itself as entirely earthly upon closer inspection.

Mythology is deeply ingrained in Hera’s work, through symbolism and by exploring a multiplicity of cultural influences she endeavours to capture a personal mythology relevant to her experience of the present world and human condition.

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