Ihti Anderson


Art Form: Arcane Arts Arcade, ArtCollider Gallery, Visual Arts

I started  as an artist in 2005, at the scenery for psychedelic music parties, but everything is moving and my growing developing Projects  grew with me. The scope of detalization expanded. Today  I don’t  just do decorations but I create a separate exhibition spaces in the largest festivals of the world, engaged in design and development of our brand club clothing with printings of  my works,as well as canvases prints and hand painted clothes.

I create graphic design in my own style for websites and printing,create ilustrations for books , cd’s and other printing materials.

Do airbrushing on motorcycles , cars, interiors and it is just a part of what we do.

One of the most important and difficult part of my life is my favorite children’s education, and the establishment of harmonious family relations.
My art can be attributed to the current flow “Visionery Art”.

I think that that this direction of art plays a very important role in the development of art and humanity in general. This art opens doors to other dimensions, into the worlds of the subconscious, expressing what is hidden from ordinary human eye, presenting  other creatures and objects that can not be touched or explain.
Visions  happen to all, everyone can see them in a dream, in deep meditation, prayer, or just randomly in the middle of an ordinary day . And often, the information that is hidden in vision can have a very important role not only for a spesific person but for the whole humanity, as the  subconscious world directly related to the material world.

To emphasize this information I use signs and symbols from different cultures and sacred geometry. I didn’t study art, but I drew without giving much attention to it for all of my life. At some point, I felt that a lot of knowledge was opened to me, as a reminder of what and how should I draw!

I put all my fears, and I started to do what I feel.
And I have a feeling that I’m doing this for many lives ….

A very important role is also played by the imagination that has no boundaries, if you do not limit  it yourself. The development of our own imagination, gives us wings, and they help to fly through the worlds of our subconscious, from my own experience I can say, that these worlds much more broader and multidimensional than the world we see with our eyes

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