Cathy Williams – Lands Within


Lifestyle Space: Circue Fantasia

Workshop Type: Dance Workshop

Topic: Lands Within

Presenter: Cathy Williams


Movement and Expressive Arts Therapy Facilitator, Cathy Williams creates spaces and experiences that encourage your curious enquiry, deep yet playful exploration and intentionally paves pathways for creative self-discovery.

Cathy believes strongly that the answers we often seek lie within and advocates the transformative healing powers Movement and Creative Art Modalities offer in strengthening our ability to listen to, trust in and follow our Body’s innate wisdom and intuitive guidance.


LANDS WITHIN is an invitation to get curious about our internal landscapes. Through guided body-connection and awareness practices, we become present to what is alive within us that is seeking to be known. Individually we will creatively map out our inner worlds – adding colours, lines, shapes to paper.
Through imagination and felt sense, we will explore our lands within playing with intuitive movement and somatic engagement, sharing our discoveries in collective moving and paired exchanges


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