Josh Andrew – Numerology Life Path Reading


Lifestyle Space: Chill N Chai

Workshop Type: Other

Topic: Numerology Life Path Reading

Presenter: Josh Andrew

Josh Andrew is Mystic, Yogi and Visionary. He is an EX Professional Athlete with a degree in Exercise and Sports Science, specialising in Numerology, Astrology, Intuitive Energy Work and Psychosomatics. Josh is also an author, teacher, preacher, speaker, coach, ceremonialist and space holder.
He is the Creator of The Marvellous Mens Work and the Leader of The Divine Feminine Reclamation Movement. Fles Rehgih is the higher self alchemy and open channel that accompanies him on the ride. Known for sharing his art on stages, he performs through spoken word poetry, dance and music.
Being a Master Number 11, he embodies the spiritual attributes of LOVE, HOPE, FAITH, KINDNESS and COMPASSION.

Brief Description of Services: 
Detailed Body-Mind Analysis and Reporting includes a thorough Postural Analysis performed through the lens of an Exercise Scientist. The body will be scanned and imbalances highlighted. Conversation, reflection and intuition will lead to an overall evaluation of the clients body language and state of existence. A report will be available that will include the psychosomatic relationship of the individual.
Numerology Life Path Reading involves calculating the life path number of the individual and providing a detailed account of what is expected throughout their journey. Readings will include information on identity, character, strengths, weaknesses, talents and ambitions.
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